A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites
A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites
All About Jazz Music, Musicians, Bands & Albums allaboutjazz.com All About Jazz covers the world of jazz music, with interviews of top musicians and bands, albums reviews, free music, videos, photos, and news.
When in as unique a setting as St. Luke in the Fields, the English village-like church on Hudson Street in Greenwich Village, it only figures that guitarist Bill Frisell, pipe [...]
If solo might seem to suggest simple, then it would probably be best not to jump to conclusions. In the right hands, one instrument is capable of as much wide-scale [...]
Way back in the mottled history of the 1950s and '60s, record biz guys in sharkskin might kick down a DJ's door and bark: "You gotta to hear this single!" [...]
Seun Kuti is a chip off the old block: inheriting his father Fela Kuti's band Egypt 80, pushing at the edges of but staying more or less within Afrobeat's classic [...]
Echoes and Other Songs is guitarist Mike Stern's first release since the loss of pianist, friend and confidante, Jim Beard in March, 2024. Beard, perhaps best known for his association [...]
The Free Jazz Collective – freejazzblog.org – We are pleased to bring you the Free Jazz Blog’s top album (s). Last week we presented our top recordings, which was drawn from the top 10 lists of the writers
By Fotis Nikolakopoulos Devouring the Guilt is the trio of improvisers Bill Harris on the drums and percussion, Gerrit Hatcher on the tenor saxophone and Eli Namay on double bass. [...]
By Don Phipps There are things we know, things we know we do not know, and things we do not know we do not know. Exploring such tenets is an [...]
By Eyal Hareuveni Catalan (of Portuguese origin) percussionist Vasco Trilla is a singular, visionary sonic scientist, a shaman of poetic sounds and, a restless searcher of lost and imagined vibrations [...]
By Kenneth Blanchard Peter Brötzmann, Toshinori Kondo and Sabu Toyozumi - Complete Link (No Business, 2024) This album was recorded live in 2016. Released this year, it is a nice [...]
By Don Phipps Developed in the mid-19 th century, New York City’s Central Park remains a lasting monument – a large “backyard” or “garden” that the whole city can access [...]
Jazz in Europe – Jazz news from Europe Jazz In Europe Netherlands magazine is a full-colour glossy publication. Produced quarterly, the magazine features interviews with European and International jazz musicians as well as interesting articles related to the world of jazz. Order Now HYPNOTIC BRASS ENSEMBLE – BAD BOYS OF JAZZ New Album Now Available
Hailing from Sweden, Vidya is an intuitive performer and composer, who tunes in to the processes within her body, mind and soul. For her newest release Adi Shakti, Vidya has [...]
Kurt Elling, one of the most celebrated jazz vocalists of our time, is set to take to the stages of Scotland alongside the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra (SNJO) in a [...]
Tarisio, the world’s leading auction house for fine instruments, has announced a groundbreaking sale featuring a collection of electric violins that have defined the career of jazz violin pioneer Jean-Luc [...]
Daniel García, a prominent figure in Spanish jazz, presents his third album on ACT Music with “Wonderland.” Due for release on August 30 2024, this latest offering from the Daniel [...]
I seem to be making a habit of covering jazz festivals on islands, from St Lucia, Nevis, St Kitts and Tobago in the Caribbean to Mallorca and Malta in the [...]
www.jazzviews.net www.jazzviews.net. All That Jazz. Purchase CDs, vinyl & downloads directly from. the artists via their website. or chosen online platform. Album Reviews.
ECM 2831 / 656 1404 Louis Sclavis (clarinet, bass clarinet); Benjamin Moussay (piano) Recorded March 2024 Aptly titled this lovely duo album from Sclavis and Moussay does indeed gently unfold [...]
The album is a great example of Art’s late period. RED Records PR 123340-2 Art Pepper (as); George Cables (p); David Williams (b); Carl Burnett (d) Recorded at Estate Jazz [...]
An exciting new trio featuring Dave O’Higgins (tenor saxophone), Luke Fowler (double bass) and Billy Pod (drums) the intention of the quartet is in the name of the group; to [...]
Please you tell us about your new album and album launch? Our new trio album, Above the Clouds, will be released on October 11th via Elsden Music. It’s my fourth [...]
An extraordinary debut album from a trio of extraordinary musicians… ECM 2810 / 651 2008 Alice Zawadzki (voice, violin); Fred Thomas (piano, vielle, drums); Misha Mullov-Abbado (double bass) Recorded June [...]
Bandcamp Jazz Bandcamp ist ein Online-Musikdienst und eine Plattform zur Promotion, die sich insbesondere an unabhängige Künstler richtet. Künstler bei Bandcamp besitzen eine veränderbare Microsite mit den Alben, die sie hochladen. Viele Titel können kostenfrei auf der Internetseite abgespielt werden.
HVV-MAG knapp und würzig vorgestellt über die Jazzwiese hinaus –
Nach ihrem Debütalbum »Let The Festivities Begin!« beweisen Los Bitchos erneut, dass es keine tiefgründigen Texte braucht, um… [...]
Psychedelisch geht die Welt zugrunde! Und The Soundcarriers machen es mit »Through Other Reflections« wieder einmal vor. Versteckt… [...]
So einen Namen muss man sich leisten können. We Are Winter’s Blue and Radiant Children ist ein halbes… [...]
Ken Ishii war einer der produktivsten Techno-Produzent:innen im Japan der 1990er Jahre und bleibt bis heute sehr aktiv,… [...]
Der Herbst ist da, endlich. Es entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Komik, dass sich Berliner:innen und solche, die es… [...]
Jazzfuel Matt Fripp from „I’m British but currently based in Paris, France “ Articles, resources & support for jazz musicians & jazz fans
Label: ECM Records, 2024Personnel - Tord Gustavsen: piano; Steinar Raknes: double bass; Jarle Vespestad: drums. Norwegian pianist Tord Gustavsen reunites his trio, featuring bassist Steiner Raines and drummer Jarle Vespestad, [...]
Label: Earshift Music, 2024Personnel - Donny McCaslin: tenor saxophone; Adam O’Farrill: trumpet; Matthew Sheens: piano; Ben Monder: guitar; Ross McHenry: bass; Eric Harland: drums. Australian bass player Ross McHenry takes [...]
Label: Sunset Hill Music, 2024Personnel - Benjamin Deschamps: alto saxophone; Frank Lozano: tenor saxophone; Sébastian Pellerin: bass; Louis-Vincent Hamel: drums. Montreal-based alto saxophonist and composer Benjamin Deschamps, with a background [...]
Label: Tao Forms, 2024Personnel - Jason Stein: bass clarinet; Joshua Abrams: bass; Gerald Cleaver: drums; Boon: guitar (#1,7) After a six-year hiatus, Chicago-based bass clarinetist Jason Stein makes a compelling [...]
Label: Calligram Records, 2024Personnel - Geof Bradfield: tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, mbira; Greg Ward: alto saxophone; Anna Webber: tenor saxophone, flutes; Ben Goldberg: clarinet, contra alto clarinet; Derrick Gardner: trumpet; [...]
JAZZIZ Magazine – The Voice of a New Jazz Culture
https://www.jazziz.com THE JAZZIZ CHANNEL. News. Readers R Top Feature. new jazz albums you need to know about …
This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read. [...]
This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read. [...]
This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read. [...]
This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read. [...]
This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read. [...]
Jazz Journal Jazz Journal ist ein monatlich erscheinendes britisches Jazz-Magazin, das seit 1948 erscheint und damit eine der ältesten heute noch erscheinenden Jazzzeitschriften überhaupt ist. Sitz ist in Loughton in Essex. Ein Schwerpunkt ist Mainstream Jazz. Seit 2009 ist die Zeitschrift mit Jazz Review vereinigt.
Violins that Ponty played alongside Frank Zappa and on his own record dates are to be auctioned in Berlin and online from 24 September The post Jean-Luc Ponty violins to [...]
First audio release for 1968 BBCTV set featuring Tyree Glenn, Joe Muranyi, Marty Napoleon, Buddy Catlett and Danny Barcelona The post Louis Armstrong: Louis In London appeared first on Jazz [...]
French bassist leads pop-flavoured funk-rock originals including some substantial jazz trumpet solos as well as rap and other vocals The post Sylvain Daniel: SlyDee appeared first on Jazz Journal. [...]
An evocative photo collection from Val Wilmer includes Billy Higgins, Kenny Clarke and Ed Blackwell, as well as an off-duty Jimi Hendrix The post American Drummers 1959-88 appeared first on [...]
While young delegates worried about climate change, concerts showed there is no boundary between European jazz and North African music The post European Jazz Conference no. 10, Ghent appeared first [...]
From Madrid, jazz, free improvisation and cacophony Search for: aJazz Noise’s picks of – Bit of a miserable year, 2021. Lots of enthralling music and new sounds, mind you. Worth focusing on that for.
As the world continues to crumble around us, 2023 nevertheless saw the release of a ton of fascinating sounds. Not Continue Reading [...]
This is heavy… an atmospheric, elegiac, yearning, defiant, soul-scrubbingly cathartic, harshly beautiful suite of doom, noise, metal and indie esoterica. Continue Reading [...]
A.MAIAH is the nom-de-music of guitarist-composer Asier Pérez Basterra. Previously featured on aJN’s 12-ish Guitar (and-only-guitar) Albums In The Last Continue Reading [...]
Welcome to the electronic forest… I first found out about Koshiro Hino’s music through last year’s KAKUHAN duo with Yuki Continue Reading [...]
When I posted a track as a Daily Tune (26th May) I said that this album had taken the top Continue Reading [...]
Best of Jazz Bestofjazz.org aims to help its visitors discover amazing jazz records. To do so, we review all the new jazz releases that we believe are worth your time. We also create monthly selections of jazz albums to be released in the coming days or weeks. This way, you will always be up to date with the newest releases and informed on what to wait for.
To be a musician is to have authenticity. Amidst myriads of notable contemporary artists, pioneering jazz guitarist and composer Rez Abbasi has checked that box from the onset of his [...]
As a lists lover, every year, I want to order the latest sounds, compiling end-of-the-year best-of lists that represent, from my point of view, the best releases in jazz. It’s [...]
this post, we will explore the Best Jazz Albums of 2014—each one a unique journey that contributed to making this year a new unforgettable chapter in the history of jazz. [...]
Aloft is the ninth duet album by life partners, pianist Satoko Fujii—who released her 100th album as a leader in 2022—and trumpeter Natsuki Tamura. The album was recorded on December [...]
What about trying to list all the 2024 new jazz music releases? If we all participate in building it, we may be able to list 6,000 releases as Tom Hull [...]
Jubilierende Melodien, reiche Harmonien und Klangfarben, dazu mitreißende Solo-Passagen: Der Auftritt der Schweizer Saxofonistin Sarah Chaksad und ihres Large Ensemble [...]
Die Radiotipps in der Übersicht für alle Kultursender des Öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks, ByteFM sowie des Ö1 und SRF 2. 00:05 Uhr [...]
Die Radiotipps in der Übersicht für alle Kultursender des Öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks, ByteFM sowie des Ö1 und SRF 2. 00:05 Uhr [...]
Aktuelle Alben aus der weiten Welt des Jazz. Musik von Ben van Gelder & Reinier Baas, den Nano brothers und [...]
Während die USA und Europa in Schuldenkrisen versanken, boomte der Markt China. Seitdem leben viele Deutsche in der 25-Millionen-Metropole Shanghai, [...]
Jazz in Deutschland / Germany jazzpages.de/info Jazzpages – Das Portal zum Jazz in Deutschland seit 1997 Die Jazzpages sind ein Projekt von Frank Schindelbeck und publizieren seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre Informationen zum Jazz
Zur Eröffnung der neuen KulturCafé-Saison im Kulturhaus in Mannheim Käfertal am 6. Oktober 2024 sind gleich drei Bigband Formationen zu hören: Jazz4Fun, Big Band 17 und Kicks´n Sticks. In der [...]
Achte Ausgabe – Frauen und Jazz „Lass dich nicht von dem abbringen, was du unbedingt tun willst. Wenn Liebe und Inspiration vorhanden sind, kann es nicht schiefgehen.“ (Ella Fitzgerald, „First [...]
Caterina Valente, geboren am 14. Januar 1931, verstorben am 9. September 2024, war eine vielseitige Künstlerin, die als Sängerin, Gitarristin, Schauspielerin und Entertainerin international bekannt wurde. Neben ihren Erfolgen im [...]
Im Rahmen des Karlsruher Festival für improvisierte Musik gibt der Trompeter und Komponist Markus Stockhausen einen Workshop Intuitive Musik. Der Workshop richtet sich an versierte Musiker ab 16 Jahren und [...]
Das Jazzfest Berlin feiert vom 31. Oktober bis 3. November 2024 sein 60-jähriges Bestehen unter dem Titel „Still Digging“. Mit 24 Konzerten an verschiedenen Veranstaltungsorten, darunter dem Haus der Berliner [...]
Jazz Thing jazzthing.de Jazz thing ist eine deutsche Jazz -Zeitschrift, die seit November 1993 fünfmal jährlich erscheint (November/Dezember/Januar, Februar/März, April/Mai, Juni/Juli/August,
Magazin für Jazz Musik – jazz-fun.de – Magazin für Jazz Musik Jazz-fun.de will mehr erfahren. »The music doesn’t have so far to go« – das ist wie ein Zaubervers für alle Musiker
Jazzwax Marc Myers writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of „Rock Concert: An Oral History“ (Grove), „Anatomy of a Song“ (Grove) and „Why Jazz Happened.“ Founded in 2007, JazzWax has won three Jazz Journalists Association awardsn and cacophony
Highresaudio Fortlaufend Neuerscheinungen – hier als Link zum Jazz | weitere Genres in der Menüauswahl
Downbeat The publication was established in 1934 in Chicago, Illinois. It is named after the „downbeat“ in music, also called „beat one“, or the first beat of a musical measure.
Jazzwise, the UK’s biggest selling jazz monthly and the leading English language jazz magazine in Europe, has changed the way jazz magazines look and think with a stunning
Michael’s Jazzblog from Switzerland It’s time to provide another list of interesting albums that have been released in the last few months.
Charts Apply to be a JazzWeek reporting station or program Jazzweek Charts weekly USA
London Jazz News – News, reviews, features and comment …https://londonjazznews.com – News, reviews, features and comment from the London jazz scene and beyond.
Marius Neset & Leif Ove Andsnes – Who We Are (Simax PSC1401. Album review by Andrew Taylor-Dawson) Celebrated Norwegian sax maestro Marius Neset and his compatriot classical pianist Leif Ove [...]
London Intercollegiate Jazz Orchestra(The Vortex, 17 September 2024. Review by Tom Hardy) Tuesday 17 September presented an exciting new venture by one of London’s most recently formed big bands, Finn [...]
Zomerjazzfietstour, Groningen, 30-31 August 2024, Report by Oliver Weindling Artists: * Han Bennink, Ingrid Laubrock, Marta Warelis* Christophe Monniot /Didier Ithursarry* Kuhn Fu (Christoph Kühn, Tobias Delius, Frank Gratkowski, John [...]
Sebastian writes: The Season Press Launch today at the Southbank Centre contained an announcement that the Montreux Jazz Festival will be embarking on its first partnership in the UK. The [...]
Alan Barnes, David Newton – ‘Tis Autumn(Woodville Records WVCD154 BBC – review by Len Weinreich) Be warned. If you’re the sort of fan who prefers jazz performances in-your-face bristling with [...]
Vom Jazz im Internet zum Jazz auf der Bühne – oder umgekehrt
Asha Parkinson - Alto, Soprano, Tenor Saxophones, Compositions, Bandleader Rebecka Edlund - Voice | Meera Maharaj - Flute | Simeon May - Baritone Saxophone, Bass Clarinet | Christie Smith - Trumpet | Konstantinos Glynos - Qanun | [...]
Shelly Berg (p), Milton Nascimento (voc), Delfeayo Marsalis (tromb), Diego Figueiredo (g), Bill Warfield (tp) [...]
Espen Berg - piano, compositions | Eirik Hegdal - soprano and baritone saxes | Kirsti Huke - voice | Sissel Vera Pettersen - alt sax, voice | Hayden Powell - [...]
Fabio Rojas - Drums, Compositions, Producer Greg Osby - Alto Saxophone Gustavo D’amico - Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Flute Kevin Harris - Piano, Rhodes Osmar Okuma - Double Bass, Electric Bass [...]
Brian Landrus – baritone sax, bass sax, bass clarinet, contra alto clarinet, piccolo, c flute, alto flute, bass flute | Dave Stryker – electric and acoustic guitar | Jay Anderson [...]
The Guardian Jazz die Jazzabteilung des Guardian mit nahezu täglichen Jazz Reports und Reviews
(Hidden Notes/Tardigrade)In his first major solo release, the pianist and composer explores the very different sides to his musical personality across three contrasting but connected LPsSelf-taught pianist and composer Daniel [...]
(American Dreams)Instrumental interludes and unexpected shifts in pace mix with Americana and jazz, while the singer-songwriter’s distinctive guitar sound drives a song cycle like no otherI got my first pair [...]
Brazilian musician best known for his hit Mas Que Nada who popularised bossa nova worldwideSérgio Mendes, who has died aged 83 after suffering from the effects of long Covid, was [...]
The man who made bossa nova an international sensation has died at 83, after a 60-year, 35-album career that straddled musical genresBringing Brazilian music to the world and the world [...]
(Culture Shock)The Trinidad-born musician and his 22-piece ensemble excel in all styles, from Benny Goodman and Eartha Kitt to Charles’s own Carib-flavoured compositions“Wow! A big band record – a dream [...]
Jazz Zeitung Das JazzZeitungs-Blog. Hier schreiben Rainer Wein, Jörg Lichtinger, Peter Ortmann, Thomas Spitzer, Benjamin Schaefer, Martin Hufner …
Ein richtiger Franke! Hat man Norbert Dömling am Telefon, weiß man nach wenigen Sätzen, wo er als Junge Fußball gespielt hat. Der Bassist ist ein waschechter „Frangge“, um dem Idiom [...]
Absturz now. Foto: HufnerWährend man sich angeblich diskussionsbereit zeigt wenn es um die Zukunft des Radios geht – so sucht ARD-Vorsitzender Kai Gniffke aktuell auch das Gespräch mit Teilen der [...]
Deutscher Jazzpreis. Foto: Oliver HochkeppelEin Kommentar von Oliver Hochkeppel Im vergangenen Jahr, bei der zweiten, erstmals in Bremen an die jazzahead! gekoppelten Verleihung des Deutschen Jazzpreises, war man im Vergleich [...]
The New Krümelmonster: Till Brönner. Foto: Martin HufnerEr hat dieses Mal keine flammende Wutrede in Sachen Corona gehalten, was ihn bekanntlich bis zu Anne Will ins Studio gebracht hat oder [...]
Mathias Bäumel räsoniert über das neue Buch des Publizisten Siegfried Schmidt-Joos, in dem dieser einige historische Artikel zusammenstellt Um es vorweg zu nehmen: »Zeitlos«, wie der Untertitel des aktuellen Buches [...]
The Philly group’s second live album is a celebration of the band as a symbiotic unit and an impressive distillation of its cosmic Americana sound. [...]
Laser eye surgery enabled the guitarist to see clearly. Their new album draws on the improvisatory techniques of free jazz to explore the slippery nature of human perception. [...]
A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites
A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites
Jazz im Netz * Jazz Albums Review 2021
A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites * A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites * A selection of nice Jazz Web Sites