Ed Partyka Jazz Orchester
Ed Partyka Jazz Orchester – im B Flat
Ed Partyka Jazz Orchester – Im B-Flat
“Hold Your Fire”
23.02 + 24.02.24 B-Flat
Saxes: Florian Trübsbach, Otto Hirte, Marc Doffey, Nils Fischer, Florian Leuschner
Trumpets: Tobias Weidinger, Christian Mehler, Jan Kaiser, Gerhard Ornig, Martin Auer
French Horn: Linus Bernoulli
Trombones: Simon Harrer, Maurus Twerenbold, Maxine Troglauer, Felix Konradt
Piano: Henrik Soll
Bass: Reza Askari
Drums: Reinhold Schmölzer
Conductor & Arranger: Ed Partyka
Das Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra tritt seit 2007 regelmäßig im B-Flat Berlin auf und gilt als eines der besten Modern-Jazz-Ensembles Europas. Dichte Sektionsarbeit, kreative und virtuose improvisierte Soli, hochemotionaler Gesang und Ed Partykas unverwechselbarer Kompositions- und Arrangierstil werden Sie verstehen lassen, warum Kritiker und Publikum von diesem wunderbaren Jazzorchester schwärmen.
Ed Partykas einzigartige Musik fordert Musiker wie Hörer: Kompositionen und Interpretationen sprühen Funken überbordender Spielfreude und feiner Ironie…
Jazzclub Regensburg

Hold Your Fire Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra 2023

In the Tradition Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra 2019
The Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra has been performing regularly at B-Flat Berlin since 2007 and is considered one of the best modern jazz ensembles in Europe. Dense section work, creative and virtuoso improvised solos, highly emotional vocals and Ed Partyka’s distinctive compositional and arranging style will make you understand why critics and audiences rave about this wonderful jazz orchestra.
Ed Partyka’s unique music challenges musicians and listeners alike: compositions and interpretations spark with exuberant joy of playing and subtle irony…
Jazz Club Regensburg
Ed Partyka is a bass trombonist/tubist, composer/arranger and conductor. Originally from Chicago Illinois, he received a BA degree from Northern Illinois University before moving to Germany in 1990. He completed a Masters degree in jazz trombone performance at the Conservatory of Music in Cologne, where he was also a member of the G.E.M.A. Jazz Composers Workshop, led by Bob Brookmeyer.
He leads the Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra EPJO, is musical director of the Jazz Orchestra Regensburg and is Co-Leader of the Flip Philipp/Ed Partyka Dectet.
From 2000 – 2007 he was musical director of the Concert Jazz Orchestra Vienna, and 1999 – 2006 from the Sunday Night Orchestra.
Mr. Partyka has appeared as a guest conductor with the HR Big Band, NDR Big Band, RIAS Big Band, RTV Big Band Slovenia, Summit Jazz Orchestra, Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, Lucerne Jazz Orchestra, West Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra, Generations Festival Big Band, Zürich Jazz Orchestra, Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra, Klüvers Big Band, Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw, Sandvika Storband, Milan Svoboda´s Prague Big Band, Oslo Workshop Big Band and the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra („BuJazzO“).
He is currently under contract as arranger/conductor with the HR Big Band in Frankfurt, where he leads several projects a year in a wide variety of styles and genres.
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