„Matthias Meyer’s Niemandsland”
„Matthias Meyer’s Niemandsland”
Matthias Meyer ist Preisträger des vom Ehepaar Kumm gestifteten JIB-Jazz-Preises der Karl Hofer Gesellschaft. Mit seiner Band Niemandsland gewann er den Jungen Münchner Jazzpreis 2023. Im Januar 2025 erscheint das Debütalbum der Band als Teil der »Jazz thing Next Generation«-Reihe auf Double Moon Records.

In his compositions, Meyer spans long musical arcs, tells wounded stories and always tries to share his own vulnerability with the audience. These stories are brought to life in the interplay between the five musicians, who met while studying together at the Jazz Institute Berlin.
Matthias Meyer is the winner of the Karl Hofer Society’s JIB Jazz Prize, sponsored by the Kumm couple. He won the Young Munich Jazz Prize 2023 with his band Niemandsland. The band’s debut album will be released in January 2025 as part of the “Jazz thing Next Generation” series on Double Moon Records.
Matthias Meyers Niemandsland

„Matthias Meyer’s Niemandsland”
Efim Brailovskiy (as)
Finn Vidal (ts)
Jakob Reisener (p)
Morten Østerlund Larsen (b)
Matthias Meyer (dr, comp.)
auch in Zauberkiste @ Lotti Trio