Karen Ng @ Kühlspot | Sowieso
Karen Ng @ Kühlspot | Sowieso
Karen Ng @ Kühlspot
10.04.2024 Kühlspot
Isabel Rößler – bass
Karen Ng – sax, bass, kalimba, synth, guitar
Samuel Hall – drums

Double Up was recorded in Berlin in January 2023. Having played
together for the first time only six months earlier at the sadly defunct
Berlin venue Au Topsi Pohl, Isabel and Girilal decided that an album
was called for. The sessions took place during two rainy days at
Kühlspot (you can hear the raindrops clatter on the metal rooftop in
silent moments on some tracks).

„What’re you up to? Just recording some stuff“
Karen Ng: sax, bass, kalimba, synth, guitar, static, slide, stomach grumble
Philippe Melanson: percussion, electronics, field recordings, voice, guitar
Christopher Willes: synthesizers, gated tape loops, flute, tenor recorder, text-to-speech
Melanson Family + Robin Dann: voices

In a hidden place, where no light is found, two combine into one. As the wraith emerges into the living realm, you must ask yourself; Are you, HEX:proof?
Paloma Carrasco López – Cello
Samuel Hall – Drums / Percussion / Objects
11.04.2024 Sowieso
Karen Ng – saxophone
Rieko Okuda – piano
Antti Virtaranta – double bass
Rudi Fischerlehner – drums
Rieko Okuda @ Kühlspot

by Rudi Fischerlehner

by Girilal Baars (voice), Jukka Kääriäinen (guitar), Rieo Okuda (piano), Antti Virtaranta (bass)
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